Happy New Year of 2021! My Encomium To You
Have you already discovered that life is an ecosystem? If not yet, then you get to know. We always strive for self-reliance and independence as individuals. Nonetheless, everything has a beginning as well as an end. Consequently, one's self-reliance and independence can't be enough alone. We always need other people to move us forward. Moreover, even if we may be able to push ourselves forward, we undoubtedly base on what some people have helped us with in the past. As a human, I lived the same life. I depended on different individuals to be a man I am. Some supported me as their responsibilities and others did it as benevolence. In this short blog, I am extending my gratitude to all individuals and institutions that played a role in my life. This is my generalized encomium to you, conglomerating all the categories of benevolent people in my life. Initiative Supporters : In the first place, I say thank you. Very recently, I communicated an initiative to help street childre...