Stop This Excuse! "It's Been A While Since I have Been To School."

Your Success and Development Within Yourself We live in a vastly and rapidly changing world. New systems are being created on a daily basis- new applications, new ways of doing things. Every single day has its specific change to bring to our work, our way of living, ways of perceiving things, etc. Sometimes, it's not what you learned from school needed to help you out. Many people have developed a common excuse to justify their failures. Things like, "It's been a while since I have been to school; I didn't learn this from my school; this isn't aligned with the major I took at university..." are common reasons people use to defend their inability to accomplish something or take up a certain responsibility. This mindset doesn't only limit your productivity at work, but also does your professional, intellectual and economic growth. The purpose of this blog is to help you quit this mindset, extend your ability and open up new opportunities to serve you even ...