Looking for a Recommendation? Things you Should Be Aware Of
Looking for a Recommendation? Things you Should Be Aware Of Have you ever been asked to seek a recommendation from a person who knows you in an important capacity? This is likely to happen when applying for jobs or educational opportunities like scholarships. I want to provide an exciting exercise because it helps think across your connections and remember professionals who can support your growth. However, it is also a challenging one because it will be hard to know who will be willing to provide one, who really knows you better, what the person’s availability is, and so many other key details necessary to decide who can do it, and actually obtaining your recommendation. Why a Recommendation? As aforementioned, recommendations are likely to be asked for when applying for jobs and scholarships. Yes, you have already applied, submitted your CV and Cover Letter for job applications, submitted your transcripts, Letter of Purpose, Career Goals and other requirements for scholarships, ...