How to Express Gratitude

I convict that you got an opportunity to read my previous blog, “THANK YOU” Do You Remember Saying the Phrase? If you didn’t, you can still go back and read to understand why we really ought to say thank you to people who do us good. In this new blog, I would like to help you tour around the best ways to express gratitude meaningfully to our well-doers, supporters in life.

Did anyone express their gratification towards you for the actions you did for them? How did they do it? Was the way emotionally touching? There is nothing thrilling like knowing that the actions you undertook marked a difference. At some point, people fail to express their gratitude in ways that really mean it. Here are four ways to express gratitude so the people you thank will really feel appreciated and valid in your life. Doing it properly will motivate and encourage the people to stay in your life and continually lift your arm when in need.


4 Ways to Express Gratitude

Write an Encomium: An encomium is a written or a spoken speech designed to thank someone by mentioning their deeds. In case you want to thank your people this can help you out. Do you want to thank them while chatting? Are you planning to meet them? Don’t go thinking that you simply need to tell them “thank you”. When you take time to write your encomium, you will be able to reflect back the moment the people helped and feel the value the actions brought in your life. With this in mind, you will be able to pick proper ways to thank them. You will be able to think of emotional and sensational words to use and this will make your thanked people engaged.

Be Specific: At some points, people thank people who are prominent in their life but they do it wrongly. They fail to specifically mention what really makes them thank you. Phrases like, ‘thanks for all’ don’t really work out. If someone helped you with financial stuffs, be clear with that. Mention the action they’ve done in your life. Feel fine to explain how remarkable was their action important to you. How did they save you? When you do it this way, the people whom you thank will really be touched. They will think of you as a reasoning person. They will nerve be exhausted to sacrifice their life for your sake.

Do it In-person: Due to different reasons, we might fail to meet the people we want to thank in-person. However, this is the best way to thank our well-doers indeed. If you can manage, then do it. A number of reasons are there to make you opt for meeting these people in person. Like any other type of information, we would like to deliver, in-person talks are the most engaging. When you thank these people in person, they will be able to read your body movements, read your facial expression and all this will deepen the meaning of your thankfulness in their hearts.

Do them Good too: Even though you said thank you to your people doing you good, you still have some miles to go. Actions are better than words. On such ground, there is a need to do good back to the people who helped you out. You don’t need to do the same thing the people did you because they probably don’t have the same needs like you do. Moreover, you don’t need to overwhelm yourself and do things out of your control. All you need to do is just thinking of something affordable to you and do it back to the people who helped you. Even if you don’t tell them that you are doing it due to what they did for you, they will infer. Hence, they will realize you valued their deeds in your life.

In reality, there are no definitive ways to express gratitude. Nonetheless, the above-mentioned ways will really help you stand out and create a space for you in such people’s thoughts. They’ll always spare a thought for you on the grounds that you’re grateful.

You can also listen to this recorded blog on SoundCloud.


Unknown said…
Thank for your contribution to the rwandans and abroad my dear friend.
Unknown said…
Wow!!! Thank you, it was very interesting especially when you say to do good to them too. Continue in That way, and be blessed.
Unknown said…
Wawoooooo, thank you a lot @ Gilbert. I really enjoy reading this article, and I learned a lot about ways to express gratitude. By the way, keep stepping!!!
Unknown said…
This content is good. Your articles are becoming a source of inspiration. Up my friend!
It's really great. Thanks Gilbert for sharing it!!
Petite said…
Keep up the good work. God bless you
Aline said…
Great job! I didn't know that being specific while expressing your gratitude to someone is really important until I read this article.

Keep sharing important tips that can make us successful in life.

Unknown said…
This is so innovative. I learn a lot
Gilbert said…
Welcome. Your time and comments on my blog are much invaluable.
Gilbert said…
Your time and comments on my blog are much invaluable. Glad that you picked something in this blog.
Gilbert said…
Welcome. Your time and comments on my blog are much invaluable. Glad that you learnt; that's my goal.
Gilbert said…
Your time and comments on my blog are much invaluable.
Gilbert said…
Blessings to you too. Your time and comments on my blog are much invaluable.
Gilbert said…
Sure, being specific is very crucial while expressing our gratitude. I will keep exploring matters and share. Your time and comments on my blog are much invaluable.
Gilbert said…
Your time and comments on my blog are much invaluable.
Gilbert said…
Your time and comments on my blog are much invaluable.
Gilbert said…
Your time and comments on my blog are much invaluable.
Gilbert said…
Your time and comments on my blog are much invaluable.
Rutagengwa said…
Ooh, brilliant. I had no idea of how expressing gratitude is crucial until I read this blog. Good job, Gilbert.
Gilbert said…
Dear Rutagengwa Your time and comments on my blog are much invaluable. Glad that you got this tips on hand.
patrick said…
This is so much interesting Mr. Gilbert keep it up the sky is the limit
Gilbert said…
Thanks a lot Patrick, your time and comments on my blog are much invaluable.

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